Address for registration in Phuket
Phuket address for company registration is Baht 18,000 per year
We have many option for virtual address in Phuket, you can choose as below.
The required documents, Panwa will provide you 1 set of below list of documents for your next step of registration.
- Copy of Household Certificate or “Tabien Baan” of Panwa Group Office Building (1 copy certified by the building owner)
- Copy of the Letter of Consent issued by the owner of Panwa Group Office Building to the Company. (1 original set)
- Copy of ID card of the owner of Panwa Group Office Building (1 copy certified by the building owner)
- Copy of house number application which showing the name of the owner of Panwa Group Office Building, to proof of ownership of Panwa Group Office Building, (1 copy certified by the owner building).
- Map showing location of Panwa Group Office Building (1 copy)
- Pictures of the Panwa Group Office Building showing a house number and your company’s signboard inside.
*** Related service for change company address registration, click here.
Q1: Is there a way to have an office address for our company registration due to this moment the building owner is not allow until our company are already setting up. |
Q 2: I heard that VAT certificate cannot be issued if the company uses as its address of the office of an accounting or legal firm, if I prefer to use your address for this company registration is it possible ? Panwa: we did not provide you the address of accounting or legal firm. Below is our address:
For more information, please feel free to contact us:
we develope systems to serve more customers with reasonable fees. |
Phuket address for company registration is Baht 18,000 per year This office can be used for for apply working permit and visa application but for short period of 5 months, call us for further detail. Inside, we have free internet, office equipment (fax, scanner, printer, computer), it's ready to move in, the fee is Baht.......... per month.
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Address for Company Registration in Phuket |